Paint is used as a medium for coding and extending the dimensions with which mathematics and natural sciences are expressed. The use of colors and geometric relations offers many degrees of freedom for expressing mathematical relations.
Our intervention is not limited to the monumental mural or paint, since we offer an experience based on several elements and forms of expression of mathematical models.
Smart Mural
Smart Mural is a team of professionals in sciences, engineering, design, art, and organization of cultural events. With years of summed experience and teamwork, we offer a creative fusion of art, science, and technology that opens the door to specific solutions in public and private spaces. We develop art projects that create opportunities for technological solutions and integration of communities via mobile resources and devices. Our multidisciplinary team works to intervene spaces using all possibilities from plastic arts (monumental mural, glass work, sculpture, spaces design, among others) to the digital (acoustic environment, augmented reality, video-mapping, illumination, evolving projections, etc.) seeking to generate ever changing social and cultural content through the application of new technologies.
It is an innovative approach to the digital arts and mathematical models which are translated into paint, musical composition, video mapping, Augmented Reality and Software/Hardware solutions. These proposals merging art and technology help the general public to seamlessly adopt Social Organization and Community Integration through technology.
The project offers a piece generated with a new technique for the audience, using mobile technology to spread interactive art forms. Smart Mural is a hybrid of the mural concept, audiovisual spectacle and technology. It is composed of the principles of self-replication, algebraic tables and colorimetry. Numeric structures are built from a series of geometric representations of algebraic relations, that put into evidence the rules of order and operation, codified by color and positional relationship. These geometric lattices fusion into one 3-Dimensional lattice coding the relations of numeric systems. An artistic interpretation is given and a mathematical table of geometric relations among colors results.
The physical and digital components and all other material created for each piece are exclusive and generated synchronously and integrally for each piece, followed by innovations and solutions that enrich the space. Furthermore, every member of our team specializes in at least one form of the arts and at least one technical specialty and are dedicated to making a real impact on our communities through the dissemination of our creative processes to influence on future projects, universities and the general public.
was an artistic movement created by mexican painters at the beginning of the XX century given a need for an identity and reconstruction of the country, following the revolution and recent impact of the first world war. Artists and intellectuals desired a new national identity seeking to consolidate the social ideals created by the revolution, by means of art. By 1923 the Muralism movement was well recognized inside and outside of Mexico. So-called "Los Tres Grandes" were David Alfaro Siquieros, Diego Rivera, and José Clemente Orozco. Muralism changed many perceptions about the Mexican indigenous, highlighting their culture and teachings of their history.
Many murals were created in the Mexican territory between 1920 and 1970 with topics related to politics and nationalism focused, sometimes, on the Mexican Revolution, the mestizo identity and the history of Mesoamerican cultures.
applied over the mural is composed of several techniques. These include 2D and 3D animation, photography and video editing, stop motion, etc. It allows for artistic effects using video projection for showcasing images on real surfaces, accompanied of acoustic designs. This gives way for interaction with the public, and a relation is generated between art, technology, and the public. The graphic and music design is based on the results obtained from mathematical modelling of the fractal that constitutes the graphic design of the mural.
The production of music and visual effects is based on the same mathematical patterns to achieve a true synchronicity in its creation, so that analogous information is captured with the different senses.
Each sound piece during the video-mapping is original and exclusively produced, taking into account the ambient and desired effect for each case. First, comes the creation of an oscillator bank constituted by wave tables obtained from the angular relations of the fractal on which the integral design is based. A series of related synthesizing techniques, all based on the idea that complicated tones can be formed as the sum of simpler ones. For this project, three tables of fundamental waves are generated. The basic cells of the sound piece stem from three elementary functions: senoidal, triangular and square.
The music scenario is an innovative proposal consisting of a well-coordinated montage of apparatus involving kinetic movement, pendulums, lights and lasers,
and other elements that simultaneously generate and synchronize an acoustic environment. It includes music pieces generated by electronic sequences and signals, musicians on scene, video mapping, dance company and live art.
Combining art and technology, it is possible to offer an interactive experience between public and piece. This fusion opens the door to a world of possibilities for living and public space.
This focus to complement art, lifestyle and mobile technology allows for the proper application of technological solutions in various spaces. Architectural spaces will depend more and more on communications and digital technology. Our work group helps the learning curve, generated by these technologies, be efficient and continuous, in public spaces such as government dependencies and offices, university campus, cultural parks, museums, industrial complex, etc.
The teams proposal consists of the creation of an original piece and the contextualization through the audiovisual experience and workshops that describe the creative process, followed by innovations and solutions that enrich the experience and well-functioning of the space.
Within the campus, institution, or space where the project is executed, it is possible to use the virtual platform to improve internal processes of communication, integration of community, and social organization, ranging from online campaigns, to data analysis for improving services. We pull our strength from collaborations with experts from different technical areas to provide integral solutions. Digital platforms and all the services their installation requires are contracted through technological solutions for installation, network maintenance, security, app development, etc.
● Virtual Classrooms
● Online Guide
● Digital Mural Paper
● Community
● User Info
● Virtual Maps
● Access Control with Personal Identification Registration
● Cultural Spaces (Physical and Virtual)
● Universal Digital Signaling
● Electronic Guides
● Smart Product Check-out
● Virtual Galleries and Augmented Reality